mercredi 13 mai 2015

Easy Songs to Learn on Guitar - Read This

A very important phase of learning to play guitar is to learn to play easy songs. Before attempting to do so you must make sure your guitar is tuned up properly. If it isn't, the notes won't come out sounding like they should. A great aid to use when playing songs is guitar tabs.

In addition to reading guitar tabs you must train your ear to hear a song too. Simply start out by listening to a song you'd like to learn to play. Apparently, you'll want to stick with simple songs, especially if you're a beginner. The easy songs to learn on guitar typically use 3 simple chords.
Play the song over a few times. Each time you listen to it, pay close attention to the rhythm and the timing of the chords as well as the guitar strums. Once you've got that down listen to the song again, this time following along with the guitar tab as it's playing. Do this over again a few more times to ensure you have the rhythm and the timing of the chords down. This is an important step as you learn to play guitar songs.

Once you're sure you have these things down it's time to pick up your guitar and start strumming along. This is truly how novices learn how to play songs on the guitar. Keep your concentration and don't worry if you mess up. You may want to either strum your guitar soft enough where you won't drown out the music or simply raise the volume on the stereo.

After you feel you've got the rhythm and strumming memorized, try practicing it without the music. While practicing, if you lose pace or momentarily forget, you can always return to practicing by playing the song over again. Do practice drills of the song again doing the same song over and over. You must get one song down before moving on to another. Play it over and over until you are able to sing along and play the guitar in perfect harmony. Although it may seem cumbersome, this is truly the way to learn to play guitar songs.

Here's another tip mentioned in playing guitar for beginners. If you have a camcorder you may want to tape yourself playing. By doing this, you will get visual feedback on how you're doing. You'll be better informed of what errors you're making and can think up ways to improve your techniques.
Learning how to play guitar songs doesn't have to be arduous. That is if you have a passion to learn and a lot of patience plus some willpower. As you practice easy songs to learn on the guitar, try not to be too self-critical. If you continuously make mistakes, put the guitar down for awhile and take a break. Should you become agitate, simply lay down the guitar and try practicing again tomorrow.

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