jeudi 14 mai 2015

Best Songs To Learn On Guitar For Beginners

To a lot of guitarists, the most interesting part of playing the guitar is the ability to play other musicians' songs. For some others, the most rewarding point is to be able to play the best songs to learn on guitar ever. Having said that, there are so many quality guitar songs out there that it is hard to pick which ones are really the most amazing ones. In this article we will delve deeper into the mind process involved in choosing the best songs to learn on guitar songs.

The best songs to learn on guitar seem to have two simple components. The first one is an acoustic guitar. The second one is a singer. From the earliest country songs to today's most famous rock ballads it has always been an art to be able to perform a song with just a voice an acoustic guitar. Only the best performers and song writers can do it. Songs of this caliber become immortalized as the best songs to learn on guitar because of a very straightforward factor: they are simple. To be able to play such songs is a definite winner in parties or family gatherings.

Many people would also raise the point that a good acoustic song has to possess a certain amount of sing-ability. Musicians often see the best guitar songs as the ones with the least vocal tricks but with the most guitar magic. However, it is interesting to note that most people think otherwise. They will often see the best songs to learn on guitar tunes as the ones with the best sing-ability factor regardless of the guitar tricks. Songs you can easily hum anytime, anywhere and that stay on your lips and float on your mind for ever.

Of course, it is up to you to make the choice of learning a song and you will find that learning a song you like makes the whole process a lot easier. Play along to your favorite song and you will quickly improve your confidence and graciously move on to some more unknown musical territory with ease.

Here is my selection of some of the best songs to learn on guitar if you are beginner. This selection is everything but exhaustive so please do not feel offended if your best tune is not there.

#1 Riders On the storm By the Door

#2 Happy Christmas (War is Over) by John Lennon

#3 Hey Hey, My My by Neil Young

#4 Happy by the Rolling Stones

#5 Tangled up in Blue by Bob Dylan

#6 Sitting on the Dock of the bay by Otis Redding

#7 Silent night-Christmas song

mercredi 13 mai 2015

Good Songs to Learn on Guitar

Find some good songs to learn on guitar, figure out how to play them and you'll always have an ace up your sleeve if there's an acoustic guitar lying around at a party. When the next opportunity arises, you can become a 15 minute hero because it's easy to add some real 'crowd pleasers' to your repertoire, even if you only know 3 chords.
There are so many 3 chord guitar songs to choose from so it doesn't really matter too much if you're a beginner guitar player. Just remember that the more famous the song, the more likely people will sing along which means it's of less importance how good you are! If you like the thought of getting a party going and having a group of people in the palm of your hand, let's look at some songs.

How to find good songs to learn on guitar?

You'd be surprised how many beginner guitar songs could be classed the most recognized, if not the greatest guitar songs of all time. If you're a beginner, start looking for tracks right away by making a note of the chords you can play and simply searching online. However, if you know E major, A major and D major, why not try this:

Wild Thing - The Troggs

Chords : This song has 3 basic chords (E major, A major and D major) which are normally the first 3 chords that you would learn in a guitar course. So, you should be able to play this very soon after starting to learn.

Strumming: The strumming is basic and you can manage to play the full song using only downward strokes. Not only that, there's quite a nice space in between some of the chords so you can get your fingers in the right place, just in time.
Even if this song wouldn't be your first choice of style, it's worth knowing it because it's so simple and one of those good songs to play for people when in the party mood.
If you want something a little more challenging (but not too much) then try:

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day

Chords: Very simple acoustic rock guitar chords (G, C, E minor & D) nicely blend to make this a classic that seems to be gaining popularity with age.

Strumming: The chord changes are faster and the song is at a higher tempo, but it's very easy to listen to the original song for guidance as to the guitar parts and timing because it's a very acoustic track. Weirdly, the song gets easier as it progresses because the strumming gets less intricate as they become fuller downstrokes and upstrokes. Once you get into the rhythm, it all sounds pretty cool though, so don't worry about being a perfectionist from day one.

These are 2 popular and easy acoustic guitar songs that you can play today and they are fantastic examples of a beginner and a beginner/intermediate skill level.

Easy Songs to Learn on Guitar - Read This

A very important phase of learning to play guitar is to learn to play easy songs. Before attempting to do so you must make sure your guitar is tuned up properly. If it isn't, the notes won't come out sounding like they should. A great aid to use when playing songs is guitar tabs.

In addition to reading guitar tabs you must train your ear to hear a song too. Simply start out by listening to a song you'd like to learn to play. Apparently, you'll want to stick with simple songs, especially if you're a beginner. The easy songs to learn on guitar typically use 3 simple chords.
Play the song over a few times. Each time you listen to it, pay close attention to the rhythm and the timing of the chords as well as the guitar strums. Once you've got that down listen to the song again, this time following along with the guitar tab as it's playing. Do this over again a few more times to ensure you have the rhythm and the timing of the chords down. This is an important step as you learn to play guitar songs.

Once you're sure you have these things down it's time to pick up your guitar and start strumming along. This is truly how novices learn how to play songs on the guitar. Keep your concentration and don't worry if you mess up. You may want to either strum your guitar soft enough where you won't drown out the music or simply raise the volume on the stereo.

After you feel you've got the rhythm and strumming memorized, try practicing it without the music. While practicing, if you lose pace or momentarily forget, you can always return to practicing by playing the song over again. Do practice drills of the song again doing the same song over and over. You must get one song down before moving on to another. Play it over and over until you are able to sing along and play the guitar in perfect harmony. Although it may seem cumbersome, this is truly the way to learn to play guitar songs.

Here's another tip mentioned in playing guitar for beginners. If you have a camcorder you may want to tape yourself playing. By doing this, you will get visual feedback on how you're doing. You'll be better informed of what errors you're making and can think up ways to improve your techniques.
Learning how to play guitar songs doesn't have to be arduous. That is if you have a passion to learn and a lot of patience plus some willpower. As you practice easy songs to learn on the guitar, try not to be too self-critical. If you continuously make mistakes, put the guitar down for awhile and take a break. Should you become agitate, simply lay down the guitar and try practicing again tomorrow.

Songs To Learn On Guitar

Want to know some great songs to learn on guitar? Here are a selection of easy guitar songs that you can start playing really quickly;

Sunshine of Your Love - Eric Clapton (Cream)

This song also shows you about string bending and power chords as well as being a great song to learn to play as a beginning guitarists. It goes on to show you some details about minor pentatonic and the guitar solos, too. For now, though, you may want to concentrate on learning the chords and playing along to the track. It will be a great learning experience for you as it is one of the best songs to learn on guitar.

Wonderwall - Oasis

It could be that you are into singing whilst also strumming a guitar and accompanying yourself at the same time. This one really is for you, if that is the case. You will build up your knowledge of both chords and strumming technique whilst enjoying a really great song. The thing is that this song is not really all that difficult to learn to play, but people love it, and they will be highly impressed when they see you perform it.

Most Beatles Songs

The early Beatles songs, in particular, are constructed from only three or four chords and they are fantastic songs to learn on guitar. Yes, their last songs had 10 or 12 chords in them as they had grown in their ability and confidence to write more complex songs. They were writing songs for a different audience in their early days and those songs were really pop and dance tracks. However, go back to their first two or three albums and you will find song after song that is really easy to learn but will sound fantastic.

Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze

I have included this because it is a great song for the beginning guitarist to learn if they are into guitar solos. The main riff really is not too difficult to learn to play and you will also learn how to pick alternately properly, too. This will become one of your favourite guitarist songs to play once you've got it into your head.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication

John Frusciante, the guitarist on this track. Is held in the highest regard by any players. The first verse in this song really is very easy to learn to play and the main chorus is constructed of the guitar chords C, G, Dm, and Am. In fact, some of the other songs from the Red Hot Chili Peppers are fairly easy to learn, too, so they are also worth checking out, as they are great songs to learn on guitar.

Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison

Do you want to be a hit at parties? Then, this is the song to learn to play! Everybody knows the words to the song so you can even start a singalong session, if you want. The introductory lick is played on only two strings and you can learn it fairly easily. The important thing, though, is that it is a great song to learn for people who are learning guitar chords for the first time. In fact, the rest of the song is made of only the guitar chords of G, C, and D7.
I imagine at this point that you are desperate to get onto the internet and learn the chords for all of the above songs. I quite appreciate where you are coming from on this! I would just urge caution because I have found that the internet can be a very poor source of information when it comes to guitar chords. I don't know what it is but I have found that the chords to any given tune can be quite wrong no matter which free resource you choose online.
I would wholeheartedly suggest that you go out and buy yourself a book with a lot of easy to play guitar songs. Go and get yourself either a guitarist busker book or something more specialised like the Complete Beatles songbook, or something similar. You should find that you can spot lots of tunes written with only a few fairly simple open chords that will help you learn your guitar chords really quickly.

Hopefully, you have learnt a lot in this guide about which songs to learn guitar. I have geared it especially towards the beginning guitarist so it is suitable for those who are just starting out learning to play the instrument.